College Tutor Guarantees to boost your students’ overall GPA by 10% within the first 6 months of integration or it’s free.

Yes, You Can
with College Cat

Deliver dynamic learning experiences to every student, everywhere. Take teaching and learning to the next level with College Cat, the #1 AI educational software, and the foundation of the High School Tutor Learning Platform.


The College Tutor
Learning Platform

Every lesson has the power to change lives. Even more so with our AI teaching and learning solutions in your corner.

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The World’s #1 AI Teaching and Learning Software

Every lesson has the power to change lives. Even more so with our AI teaching and learning solutions in your corner.


En Español

Translate, read and generate text in 25+ languages.

Text to Speech+
Speech to Text

For special needs
& learning styles


AI Tutoring for Every
Type of Learning

Every lesson has the power to change lives. Even more so with our AI teaching and learning solutions in your corner.


A lot changes between that K and that 12. 
Our platform supports every student, 
at every stage, in any environment.


Our solutions make educators more effective and students more successful, both in school and beyond.


To work is to learn. But when work takes extra learning, our tools make it extra intuitive, engaging, and effective.

20,000+ students

2 years of innovation, Scalable > 5,000 students


University of 
New Hampshire

Jeff, Sr. Professor

“Using a learning system like College Cat streamlines learning and communications with students and teachers.”

Improving Learning 
with College Cat

Discover how University of New Hampshire identified enduring digital learning practices to prepare their students, educators, and families for the future with College Cat.

Everybody Wins!


Easy access to real-time reporting. Reduce paperwork. Turn data into decisions. Maximize teacher buy in!


Teachers love how easy it is to do grades, roll, track progress, and record behavior. Keep students engaged and parents involved!

IT Techs

Fewer integrations to troubleshoot. Intuitive UI means fewer support questions.
Private, secure, and reliable.

Students & Parents

Easier to stay on top of all homework and grades.
Turn in assignments online
with fewer apps.

Ready to explore how we can help your school?

The AI Academic Platform

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